What is Modular Construction?

Why choose it?

What is Modular Construction?

A modular building is a custom-designed structure built in sections called modules. The modules are constructed in an off-site production facility, then delivered to the intended site and set on a foundation as a permanent structure. Construction of the modules, in most cases, is 90% complete prior to shipment. Completion is done on-site after the modules have been set onto the building's foundation and joined together to make a single structure. The modules can be placed side-by-side, end-to-end, or stacked, allowing a wide variety of configurations and styles in the building layout.

Manufacturing Process

The production process begins by constructing the floor system of the module. The floor system is built on a “jig” keeping it square and plumb. Once the floor system is complete the pre-constructed wall panels (also built on a jig) are added. The roof system is now ready to be set in place, thus completing the structure portion of the module.

The electrical wiring and plumbing are inserted into the module both during the general construction of the structure and after the structure is complete. The exterior walls are then insulated and covered with sheathing. Sanding and painting are next and in the final stages of production, items such as custom cabinetry, fixtures, flooring, molding and trim are installed. A final quality assurance inspection is performed to ensure the module is complete.

After passing the final inspection the module is wrapped in a durable plastic to protect it against the elements and loaded onto a carrier in preparation for transporting it to the building site.

Why build Modular?

Modular construction is superior to traditional site-built construction in many ways:

All modules are constructed in a climate-controlled warehouse, which avoids delays and damage caused by inclement weather. This also eliminates the risk of trespassers, as access to the factory is controlled.

Modules are built on a jig, which keeps the floors square and the walls plumb. This also insures consistency from module to module.

Building codes for modular construction are the same or more stringent than those used for site-built construction. Materials used are likewise equivalent or superior. Our modular buildings use more fasteners than site-built buildings, ensuring superior structural strength and durability.

Traditional site-built construction generally involves a whole network of suppliers, contractors, subcontractors and laborers. Modular construction does the majority of this in-house, simplifying and streamlining the whole process.